Sunday, April 27, 2008

Shifting my attention abit probably

So, about her, we havent talked still, but i hope this is temporary, and i doubt she, would be smart enough to understand what i'm doing, she's lost, as always. So i decided to try it out, the same way it worked on me. Just that it didnt quite end up the same way. But i'm glad it seems to be working.

Of course, I dont know if she even read that message, cause I really think theres some sort of misunderstanding.

About my own girlfriend, she just came back from her holidays, I have to say the 'reunion' part wasn't exactly what I had in mind. That short break really changed nothing, or infact, could have made it worst for my expectations and things I look for in girls.

Anyways, I guess i should shift my attention to something else, most of these stuff cant be helped. School is starting tomorrow, I've missed out alot, I know i have, but i chose to go this way. Work, study, i wonder what kind of combination is this? , whatever it is, i'll be the one conquering it, if my girlfriend isnt going to put much attention on me, and instead on everything else. So can I. Its not revenge, its just to balance nature. You know, the ying and yang thing, predators and prey, yup, I'm going to take matters into my own hands.

Ok, Mum's calling for dinner, time to go!!! I'll be a fat happy boy.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

It wasn't really that bad afterall!

Apart from the fact that I've just stopped talking to someone that meant quite a great deal to me, not in the I like you, you like me kinda nonsense,it was rather different, but I guess its easy to take it the wrong way.Yes!, APART FROM THAT, things this year was rather entertaining so far.

Now, I am probably one of those people who thinks NS is a waste of time, I mean those who doesn't has converted into the service anyway. But I do guess I got into a rather special posting, and my NS life has, in a way been spiced up. I'm with the elites man!!

Its funny how they do things sometimes, you don't get to flash your card, identify yourself, smile and give a warm' Hi, you're under arrest' everywhere. Or in fact, you wont see this happen anywhere else but from the posting I've got.

Violent locks to the wall, shouting and pinning people down legally, all in the name of justice, I mean yes, those were necessary force we had to use sometimes, but after it all when you think of it at the end of the day, that adrenaline rush is not something you get often.

Carrying a piece of iron on the legs isnt exactly the most enjoyable thing on earth, i have to admit, it makes you feel closer to nature and earth, oh yes it does. At the same time you're afraid that piece of metal goes crazy and next thing you know you're limping around . But I believe if you treat it well it'd treat you well. I dont wish to pull it out any time soon either. What sucked the most was that it comes loose once in a while and adjusting it will only cause a hell of an mess.

Don't have much time today, this is my first post in a long time. Today was hell crazy, and I'm tired, though I guess at the end of the day I still hope things could have been ok and we could still be talking.Though I doubt it would happen.... Anyways!, Peace to all !!!