Friday, May 23, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

OK! Lets start by last week, this particular event that made me realize that divisional police don't really have the best experiences. Whilst is true that they meet all kinds of people, like mums who calls the police because they refuse to do their homework. But you do meet people like Auntie Maggie. How so?

Lets go back in time, it was a Friday, and I had no school that day, so I went home early to rest, just when I was walking back into my sweet little estate, a Taxi and a Private car crashed into each other, it was minor, but the side of the private car had a huge make over. ( I heard the crash, brainless maggie was the one who saw it happened )

So, those two guys walked out of their car like how they all do it after an accident, looking at their reactions, I decided there were no injuries, but I decided to watch a little more before deciding what to do. Apparently they were just very engrossed in arguing, their cars were blocking this + junction and cars were all slowing and jammed. As you can refer to the diagram below. HAHA!

Anyway, I could hear them argue, they were very loud, the guy owning the private car was acting all superior to the taxi driver, but I don't think they were planning to call the police, their gestures were just really exaggerated, like their limbs were gonna detach and fly out. That was when i decided to step into the matter, not that I want to, but I have to because I'm liable to get charged if anyone found out, i mean likely not, but yea, not to take that risk that it breaks into a fight.

When I approached, I identified myself, to save the trouble, I decided I would call the police first, after asking them if they have done so. So I roughly asked them about the incident, Nosey Maggie came in without knowing my role in this matter, and started pin pointing and all about who's fault and who's fault and all, she was making things so difficult seriously. So I told her I will ask them one by one first to understand the matter before the uniformed guys arrived.

This is where it gets funny, she told me 'I don't know why you are here, its better if we don't stick our nose into this matter', after that she turned and wanted to walk away, of course, I stopped her and identified myself to this nosy bystander.

For this, only those who knows how maggie looks like will find it funny i guess, she opened her eyes so wide her eyeballs would roll out and her jaw kinda dropped. Maybe i scared her, but i made her a witness and retained her. Its so fun looking at her stuck in this situation.

The police came, they took over the matter, auntie maggie could not go home and peace returned to the world. Thank you !


Oh my, so damn long, maybe I'll post the other story tomorrow. CIAO CIAO!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Havent really added much recently, don't really know what I really want now. Work, those kind of hours are really not my cup of tea. It is true it can get exciting once in a while, but in the end, you know very well it is not what you wanted.

School has been going quite smooth, and probably because its the first few lessons, I totally hate chem, but i want to do well. Not because i'm competitive, but because alot is at stake. I really dont have the determination, and i really need to find a way to concentrate.

At the moment, i'm having a negotiation, and I dont know how this sounds to people, but I'm really really pissed at the moment, at this moment in time, 10 32 on the 4th of May. Not pissing all over my pants, but pissed off real bad.

Though I said I would try to stay away from writing about all the shit in my life, but I'd make this an acception. I don't know how other people do it, but I try to make time for everything, despite work, despite school I will try to make some time for those who means something to me. May it be a simple dinner, lunch, or even taking leave and all. Cause to me, these people are more important than school and work.

I'm not saying that its not important, it is very important, infact, i give it top priority, but its these people that makes life better, no matter how you look at things, you cant always be happy. Of course, unless you have no expectations of any sort, nothing in life that you're trying to change.

I'm tired too, but I just keep going at it, I'm persistent. Maybe a lack of discipline, and a lack of interest for most things probably. At this point, my irritating/anger has gone down a little bit. And I guess I made a mistake somewhere, whoever who came into my mind when i felt irritated isn't the person to turn to, infact, by smsing that person, i'm irritating that person too. I'm freaking selfish seriously.

Oh well, i hope things will make a turn for the better, i'll probably turn in early today, I hate growing up, the older you get, the more unhappy things become.